Hypnosis is a tool that we can use to directly affect the subconscious mind and bring about the change that you want to see. Let's take a look at some of the issues hypnotherapy can help with below...
Issues Hypnotherapy Can Help With
Abandonment | Fear of Surgery | Mistrust | Self-Blame |
Addictions | Fear of Water | Moodiness | Self-Confidence |
Aggression | Fears | Motivation | Self-Control |
Agoraphobia | Forgiveness | Nail Biting | Self-Criticism |
Anesthesia | Frustration | Nausea | Self-Defeating Behaviors |
Anger | Gagging | Negativism | Self-Esteem |
Anxiety | Gambling | Nightmares | Self-Expression |
Assertiveness | Guilt | Obsessions | Self-Forgiveness |
Assist Healing | Hair Twisting | Obsessive-Compulsive | Self-Hypnosis |
Attitude Adjustment | Headaches | Overeating | Self-Image |
Bedwetting | Helplessness | Overly Critical | Self-Mastery |
Career Success | Hopelessness | Pain Management | Sexual Problems |
Change Habits | Hypochondria | Panic Attacks | Shame |
Childbirth | Hostility | Passive-Aggressive | Skin Problems |
Chronic Pain | Hot Flashes | Past Life Regression | Sleep Disorders |
Communication | Hypertension | Perfectionism | Smoking |
Concentration | Immune System | Performance Anxiety | Social Phobia |
Controlling | Impotency | Pessimism | Sports |
Cramps | Improve Health | Phobias | Stage Fright |
Cravings | Improve Sales | Postsurgical | Stress |
Creativity | Indecision | Premature Ejaculation | Study Habits |
Death or Loss | Inferiority | Presurgical | Stuttering |
Discouraged | Inhibition | Problem Solving | Stubborn |
Dreams | Insecurity | Procrastination | Substance Abuse |
Exam Anxiety | Insomnia | Public Speaking | Superiority |
Exercise | Irrational | Reach Goals | Surgical Recovery |
Fear of Animals | Irrational Thoughts | Rejection | Tardiness |
Fear of Death | Irritability | Relationships | Temptation |
Fear of Dentist | Jealousy | Enhancement | Thumb Sucking |
Fear of Doctor | Lack of Ambition | Relaxation | Tics |
Fear of Failure | Lack of Direction | Resistance | Trauma |
Fear of Flying | Lack of Enthusiasm | Resistance to Change | Ulcers |
Fear of Heights | Lack of Initiative | Responsibility | Victimization |
Fear of Loss of Control | Lower Blood Pressure | Restlessness | Weight Loss |
Fear of School | Medication Side Effects | Sadness | Worry |
Fear of Success | Memory | Self-Awareness | Writers Block |
Please Note: Some presenting issues will require referral(s) from licensed medical and/or mental health professionals so that we may meet legal requirements and work effectively as a team toward your improvement.